Friday 4 May 2012

is fashion a reliable mirror of society

You are what you wear....

May this be true...?  This conveys just about everything in a minimal statement because our clothes tell us who we are in society and tells others about our personalities, our wants, needs, talents, dispositions and destination. If so, then clothing is a silent but powerful communicator. It can cover up, it can build or destroy an image. It can say 'I'm as good as you', 'I have the same interest', 'I'm important' or 'I'm not important' or even' I take myself' or my work too seriously'. At times, clothes are the only visible clues to an individual's personality. People respond and relate to the way we wear our clothing and clothes have now become a means for one human to evaluate another. A person is assessed the minute he or she enters the room, and most of this assessment is made from the clothes the person is wearing.

 Celebrities, politicans and royalty have the most influence on fashion and people blindly follow them reagardless of their socio economic tanding. So to classify an entire society as celebrities or politicans would be ridiculous. Most people adopt celebrity fashion, especially today. So to stereotype society into the rich and powerful would not be relaible or accurate. One cannot consider individuals to be rich and powerful just because they are dressed like those who are.

With today's changing pattern, fashion is becoming more and more important and conflicting with reality. nowaday's, people are not dressing up according to reality. Most girls would look for cheaper substitutes and buy them so one can call this a mirror of society, but not a RELIABLE one, as an onlooker may not know that the individual is wearing a cheap copy and would think 'ah same expensive glasses'.

Fashion Guru

In Public Relations image is very important and there are a whole lot of things to take into consideration if you want to be a part of the Public Realtions field, tin my opinion the most important element is that one has to look representable at all times. Image is exstremely important when an individual is going for a job interviwe. In most cases your empolyer will form his first opinion of you based on how you are dressed and your personal appearance this is why you have to dress for success this happendes by choosing your wardrobe and adjusting your appearance for the purpose of making a good impression. Dressing for success deepends on the type of job you are applying for.

Womans interview attire

* Solid color, conservative suite
* Co-ordinated blous
* Moderated shoes
* Limited jewelry
* Neat, professional hairstyle
* Tan or light hosiery
* Sparse make-up & perfume
* Manicured nails

Some woman and men are trend setters, you can still lookk fashionable when you go for an interview butin a decent appropriate way. First impressions count and a proffessional who doesnt take time to maintain a professional appearance presents the image of not being able to perform adequately on the job. Professional dress code in a successful organisation is strict because many professionals have never been taught appropriate professional appearance.  If you look and behave like a highly trained and well groomed professional you will win the respect and honor of your valued clients.

Men interview attire

* Suit (solid colour - navy or dark grey)
* Long sleeve shirt (white or coordinated with the suit)
* Belt
* Tie
* Dark socks, conservative leather shoes
* Little or no jewellery
* Neat, professional hairstyle
* Limit the aftershave
* Neatly trimmed nails
* Portfolio or briefcase

Thursday 3 May 2012

Plus Size Rocks

Acronym for P.H.A.T: Pretty Hott And Thick

Full figured woman have been around since time began and it seems like the most common term used to refere to them is "plus size".  I suppose that there is nothing wromg with the term but some woman find it a little offensive.  Larger womans clothing was often difficult to find and not many outlets stocked large sizes. However those that did, had a very limited range, very few sizes and the styles were very dull, unattractive and not sylish at all. No wonder plus size women had something to complain about.  Thankfully these days a whole lot of stores are now carrying and they cater a wider range in plus size women's fashion. There are a whole lot of pages on the internet dedicated to the larger sizes and more and more recognizable designers are seeing the light and starting to incorporate larger sizes in their collection.

Picture: Lucia Richards shows off her different plus size fashion trends

Plus size women's fashion has become so popular that there are stores committed to just stocking plus sized clothes. The best thing about this though is that the choice in styles, colours and fabrics has increased dramatically and the demand for the larger sizes has never been so well received.
Women have never been happier. At last there is some relief for the fuller figured woman who loves fashion and is just as in love with the process of shopping for clothes. 
It's an A plus for those wonderful fashion people who have created such a great range of clothes in the larger sizes. Most plus size woman enjoy life and it's all thanks fabulous plus size threads.

Picture: Amanda Jones wears a red dress to the Golden Globes
 Larger women have found out that, finding an evening wear has become an all too difficult exercise. Not only are the items incredibly hard to find and often not very fashionable, but they are often extremely ill fitting meaning they end up in sizes either too small or way too big. A well made evening dress should always fit any body type nicely and make any woman feel beautiful - even a larger lady. It's important to find evening wear that suits your best features and hides those that aren't so great. Once you know what to look for, then the process becomes less complicated.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Toddlers with swag

image: A SWAG sweater
Most of you might be wondering what is swag and what does it really mean...? You probably ask youself where does this term come from, well the definiton of swag is as follow: Swag is a slang term used to decribe the appearance, stlye, fashion sence, attitude and the way a person presents themselves by what they wear, what they drive or any other material things they own. In my opinion swag is when a individual feels good and confident about themselves in what they wearing, how they walk, their body language and the way their feel says alot about that person.

In Public Relations we focus on the image of a business, organisation, brand and also the image of the person and with us individuals image counts alot it can say alot about the persons dress sence and first impression counts alot.

Toddler Boys wearing clothes with style
In most cases we focus only on teenagers or young adults with swag but NO they are not the only people with swag out there, even toddlers have swag. Kids are adorable and cute and we obviously don't expect them to wear fashion labels and designer clothes cause we don't take note and we hardley focus on what they are wearing compared to adults etc. But in todays real world kids also have the privillege to walk with their heads up high and their feel good in what they are wearing.

We may think that only kids that are bought up in the spot light/lime light are the only ones that follow kids fashion trends but thats not true, some parents do have fashion sence for their kids and their are very stylish interms of dress code, the accesories their use and the style they dress their kids. Its even better when the child also feels good in what their wearing cause that also does build up the childs self confidence and it allows the child to be active even when they are  around other kids. So take the chance and spice up your kids fashion style. Go for it you won't regret it. (**,)

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Shoedazzled is a shoe range
Co-founded by Kim Kardashian. The shoe range is ahead of its game with its unique concept of  diferent collection of shoes for each customer based on a survey that would fill out to establish the customers personal taste. Over time, the recommendations from the customers gets more sophisticated as it takes into account what the customer is actually purchasing. The result is that the purchaser or consumer will feel like their collection was picked just for them because the customer chooses for themself, like having their own personal stylist.  Co-founded by Kim Kardashian, the online retailer costs only $39 a month and picks shoes monthly based on what their subscribers want. Since the site launched, the business model has been re-created by many other sites that offer a special membership.

ShoeDazzle's stab at the boutique experience that doesn't end with the website. Its customer service agents are trained to answer customers' fashion and styling questions, as well as more prosaic inquiries about shipping and returns. will continue to supply shoe choices for their specific customers, doing what Fast Company calls a simulated “boutique experience,” and they will also be announcing a line of lingerie and dresses as well because, according to Strauss, “Our customers want us to dress them from head to toe.”

Pimp my gadgets

CrystalRoc has launched the iPhone 4 studded with Swarovski Crystal Covers. CrystalRoc is always famous for its dazzling creations meant exclusively for the rich. This can be known as a crystal mobile pendants 

Cellphone accessories vary in price it depends on what kind of accessorie you would like and the design of the cellphone cover. Price is important because cellphone come in many different styles and prices to match. It also depends on the model of the cellphone you can personalize your phone to suit you! Put your favorite colors, patterns and designs and show your spirit! Once you have it, you’ll never want to be without your Bling Ring. You may ask yourself where can you find certain kind of cellphone covers one place to find cell phone covers is at the store of the provider in which your phone was purchased from allso in many malls, there are many kiosk which provide covers for different types of phones that are on the market. Functionality is important because covers are made to protect your phone, even when vanity and physical appearance are also important factors. Lastly fit is important because each phone model is different, and obtaining the right fit of the studded cellphone cover means properly protecting your phone.

Not much is known about the blinged laptop, but the sparkling creation definitely left one and left the new model of the apple laptop bedazzled. This case cover can range in different covers not only bling it can come in different colors and designs.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Girlz in heelz behind the wheelz!!!

Yes we girls love feeling good and looking sexy and driving in heels aims to embrace not only who we are but its a part of our lifestlye and it changes our mindset on the attitued we have towards driving. Some woman feel that when it comes to driving in heels we should set down and really take it into consideration.  Most woman that drive sometime drive in heels and it is said according to expects that they are calling for woman drivers to put a break on the harzardous habbit of driving in heels behind the wheel. The foot wear fashion for the highest heels worn can lead to tragedy and it it advised to woman drivers to avoid unsuitable shoes while driving beacuse wearing heels while driving can lead to an accident that is caused by th unbalance of wearing.

Im not against woman driving in heals but in my own opinion i think wearing inappropriate footware (heels) can cause the driver to loose control of the car because heels are not appropriate shoes to drive with.  Keeping a pair of suitable shoes in the car to avoid any crashes can be a useful thing to do. If you are wearing shoes that you couldnt wear for driving test/lessons then you probably shouldn't wear them to drive.
Heels don't need to be long and thin to be considered fashionable. When you in doubt, take off your heels and carry them.
Avoid driving in high heels because you do not have much control over them. In terms of driving, I have read according to "driving in heels" it is dangerous to drive in heels usually because when you drive you rest your heel on the floor of the car. This stabilizes your foot as you use the pedals between the gas and brake. With high heels, your heel can't touch the ground anymore, and it changes the angle at which your foot rests against the pedal. Instead of being able to point and flex your feet (by bending at the ankle) to use the pedals, you have to either tilt your whole leg or slide your foot in and out along the ground. It's more difficult and not as smooth as driving in flat shoes or bare feet.