image: A SWAG sweater
Most of you might be wondering what is swag and what does it really mean...? You probably ask youself where does this term come from, well the definiton of swag is as follow: Swag is a slang term used to decribe the appearance, stlye, fashion sence, attitude and the way a person presents themselves by what they wear, what they drive or any other material things they own. In my opinion swag is when a individual feels good and confident about themselves in what they wearing, how they walk, their body language and the way their feel says alot about that person.
In Public Relations we focus on the image of a business, organisation, brand and also the image of the person and with us individuals image counts alot it can say alot about the persons dress sence and first impression counts alot.
Toddler Boys wearing clothes with style
In most cases we focus only on teenagers or young adults with swag but NO they are not the only people with swag out there, even toddlers have swag. Kids are adorable and cute and we obviously don't expect them to wear fashion labels and designer clothes cause we don't take note and we hardley focus on what they are wearing compared to adults etc. But in todays real world kids also have the privillege to walk with their heads up high and their feel good in what they are wearing.
We may think that only kids that are bought up in the spot light/lime light are the only ones that follow kids fashion trends but thats not true, some parents do have fashion sence for their kids and their are very stylish interms of dress code, the accesories their use and the style they dress their kids. Its even better when the child also feels good in what their wearing cause that also does build up the childs self confidence and it allows the child to be active even when they are around other kids. So take the chance and spice up your kids fashion style. Go for it you won't regret it. (**,)
wow never knew clothing could mean so much for both the parents and kids
ReplyDeleteIn most cases if the parents are stylish, the child will also follow on their footsteps